Spring 2015
- 19. 6. 2015 | Bachelor students celebration [event by our bachelor students], [cake by Martin]
- 12. 6. 2015 | Bachelor state exam and thesis defence (mock-up) [event by our bachelor students], [cake by Karel]
- 5. 6. 2015 | Education in Norway (talk + photos) [event by Martin], [cake by Lenka]
- 29. 5. 2015 | Joga party by Vlasta [cake by Jirka, 2nd attempt]
- 22. 5. 2015 | Cake-eating party [cake by Jirka]
- 15. 5. 2015 | IT slang you might not know [slides to be added] [event by Lukáš], [cake by Maťo]
- 8. 5. 2015 | Public holiday, no OpenLab
- 1. 5. 2015 | Public holiday, no OpenLab
- 24. 4. 2015 | Bare-bow archery [event by Martin], [cake by Lukáš]
- 17. 4. 2015 | FPGA programming [event by Lenka], [cake by Mates]
- 10. 4. 2015 | WSN magic [event by Lukáš], [cake by Martin]
- 3. 4. 2015 | Industry presentations rehearsal [event by CRoCS], [cake by Lenka]
- 27. 3. 2015 | DRAM rowhammering Google blog,paper,slides. Bonus core memory for Apollo [event by Milan], [cake by Martin]
- 20. 3. 2015 | Network security in practice & solar eclipse [event by Marek], [cake by Ľubo]
- 13. 3. 2015 | What lurks in our wallets [event by Zdeněk], [cake by Míša & Vlasta]
- 6. 3. 2015 | CRoCS research topics: Plausible deniability [event by Dušan], [cake by Michal]
- 27. 2. 2015 | Key generating/eating party [event by Martin & Vláďa], [cake by Vlasta]
- 13. 2. 2015 | Board games [event by Lubo], [cake by Lubo]
- 6. 2. 2015 | CRoCS research topics: DDoS, smartcards (slides) [event by Lukas and Petr], [cake by Karel]
- 30. 1. 2015 | India, incredible India [event by Petr], [cake by Petr]
- 23. 1. 2015 | Flying [event by Lukáš and Karel], [cake by Lukáš and Lenka]
- 16. 1. 2015 | PC HW - set up “new” computers [event by Lukáš and Karel], [cake by Lenka]
- 9. 1. 2015 | DOSBox and mysterious event [event by Lukáš and others], [cake by Vlasta]