Spring 2017
- 2. 6. 2017 | Rocket launching [event by PetrS, cake by ???]
- 19. 5. 2017 | Post-mortem magic [event by Monika, cake by Monika (Ph.D. student from FF)]
- 5. 5. 2017 | Disk encryption [event by Milan, cake by Martin]
- 28. 4. 2017 | Classical ciphers and Zodiac [event by Syso, cake by Syso]
- 21. 4. 2017 | 3D Printing [event by Lukas, cake by Karel and Jirka Š.]
- 7. 4. 2017 | Cuba (rum included) [event by Radka, cake by Cuba ]
- 31. 3. 2017 | TPM [event by PetrS, cake assisted by Lubo]
- 24. 3. 2017 | Reseach topics at CRoCS [event by everyone, cake by Vlasta]
- 17. 3. 2017 | Lockpicking [event by Marian Carnogursky, cake by Lukas]