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Towards Better Selective Forwarding and Delay Attacks Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks - ICNSC 2016

Authors: Stehlík, M.; Matyáš, V.; Stetsko, A

Abstract: A number of intrusion detection techniques have been proposed to detect different kinds of active attacks on wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Selective forwarding and delay attacks are two simple but effective attacks that can disrupt the communication in WSNs. We propose two parametrized collaborative intrusion detection techniques and optimize their parameters for given scenarios using extensive simulations and multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Moreover, we sample the whole search space to enable evaluation of evolution performance. We evaluate the influence of changes of the number of malicious nodes on the intrusion detection performance.


   author={M. Stehlik and V. Matyas and A. Stetsko},
   booktitle={2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control (ICNSC)},
   title={Towards better selective forwarding and delay attacks detection in wireless sensor networks},
   keywords={evolutionary computation;security of data;wireless sensor networks;WSN;delay attacks detection;intrusion detection techniques;multiobjective evolutionary algorithms;search space;selective forwarding;wireless sensor networks;Collaboration;Delays;Evolutionary computation;Intrusion detection;Monitoring;Optimization;Wireless sensor networks},