This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Keyword: Bitcoin ====== <ifauth @user> <callout type="primary" icon="true" title="Add your publications">If you have published anything not in the list, please add the bibliography entry to the list. Instructions can be found in the [[|GitLab repository]]</callout> <callout type="success" icon="true" title="Don't forget submission table and author shares">Note down also the information on rejections and authorship percentages. We keep track of our lab efforts and author shares are useful for dissertation proposal/dissertation/habilitation/... There is a [[:internal:crocs:submissions|dedicated page where to write them]].</callout> </ifauth> ==== 2024==== <grid><col xs="10" sm="10" lg="10"> * <text size="large">**Decompose and conquer: ZVP attacks on GLV curves**</text>\\ [[:publications:authors:vojtech-suchanek|Vojtěch Suchánek]], [[:publications:authors:vladimir-sedlacek|Vladimír Sedláček]] and [[:publications:authors:marek-sys|Marek Sýs]],\\ //Applied Cryptography and Network Security//, Springer Nature, 2024.\\ Keywords: [[:publications:keywords:ecc|ecc]], [[:publications:keywords:side-channel|side-channel]], [[:publications:keywords:bitcoin|bitcoin]], {{:publications:pdf:2024-acns-suchanek-dcp.pdf|pre-print PDF}}, ++ BibTeX |<code>@Article{2024-acns-suchanek-dcp, title = {Decompose and conquer: {ZVP} attacks on {GLV} curves}, author = {Vojtěch Suchánek and Vladimír Sedláček and Marek Sýs}, booktitle = {Applied Cryptography and Network Security}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, year = {2024}, keywords = {ECC, side-channel, bitcoin}, } </code>++ </col><col xs="2" sm="2" lg="2"> <button>[[|Details]]</button> </col></grid>