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public:papers:memics2016 [2016-10-14 16:00] mukroppublic:papers:memics2016 [2016-10-20 22:03] mukrop
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   * Conference page: [[http://www.memics.cz/2016/|MEMICS 2016]]   * Conference page: [[http://www.memics.cz/2016/|MEMICS 2016]]
-  * Download author pre-print of the paper: {{:public:research:eacirc:papers:2016_memics.pdf|pdf}} +  * Author pre-print of the paper: {{:public:research:eacirc:papers:2016_memics2.pdf|pre-print pdf}} 
-  * Data: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3auG0-vKKIySVZ2anJ6Ymt2Wjg?usp=sharing+  * Conference presentation{{:public:papers:2016_memics_slides.pdf|presentation slides}} 
 +  * Raw experiment data: [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3auG0-vKKIySVZ2anJ6Ymt2Wjg?usp=sharing|data on gDrive]]
-/* TODO: presentation, data, mgr thesis, add paper to EACirc papers page */ 
 **Bibtex (regular paper):** **Bibtex (regular paper):**
-   @misc{memics2016, +   @Inproceedings{eptcs-memics2016-ukrop
-     author = {Martin Ukrop \and Petr Svenda}, +     author    = {Martin Ukrop and Petr Švenda}, 
-     title = {Avalanche effect in improperly initialized CAESAR candidates}, +     year      = {2016}, 
-     state = {forthcoming}, +     title     = {Avalanche effect in improperly initialized CAESAR candidates}, 
-     year = {2016},+     booktitle = {{\rm Proceedings of 10th International Doctoral Workshop on} 
 +                  Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science, MEMICS 2015 
 +                  {\rm Tel{\v{c}}, Czech Republic, October 23--25, 2015}}, 
 +     series    = {Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science}, 
 +     publisher = {Open Publishing Association},
    }    }