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public:papers:btc [2024-06-17 20:19] xsvendapublic:papers:btc [2024-11-27 11:44] (current) – [Zlín 18.6.2024] xsvenda
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 ====== Bitcoin Singlesig, Hardware wallet, Multisig and CoinJoin tutorial ====== ====== Bitcoin Singlesig, Hardware wallet, Multisig and CoinJoin tutorial ======
 +===== Boskovice 27.11.2024 =====
 +  * Tutoriál: “Bitcoin basics” 
 +  * Slidy: [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/16zP9PPrlh_YNIm5D6Xh2ah5K3rUQwgo8/view?usp=sharing| BitcoinBasics_Boskovice_20241127.pdf]]
 ===== Zlín 18.6.2024 ===== ===== Zlín 18.6.2024 =====