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people:mukrop [2017-12-24 22:16] – [Mgr. Martin Ukrop] xukroppeople:mukrop [2020-09-17 10:19] (current) xukrop
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-{{:people:ukrop-profile.jpg?400|Martin Ukrop}}+{{:people:ukrop-profile.jpg?400&nolink|Martin Ukrop}}
-<well><TEXT align="center" size="large" type="primary">+\_ 
 +<panel><TEXT align="center" size="large" type="primary">
 "Not everything that can be counted counts. "Not everything that can be counted counts.
 Not everything that counts can be counted." Not everything that counts can be counted."
 </TEXT><TEXT type="muted" align="center"> </TEXT><TEXT type="muted" align="center">
 (William Bruce Cameron) (William Bruce Cameron)
-<well><TEXT size="largealign="center">+<panel><TEXT  align="centersize="large">
 {{fa>envelope}}\_[[mailto:mukrop@mail.muni.cz|mukrop@mail.muni.cz]]\\ {{fa>envelope}}\_[[mailto:mukrop@mail.muni.cz|mukrop@mail.muni.cz]]\\
 {{fa>list-ul}}\_[[https://scholar.google.cz/citations?user=gNXi-CYAAAAJ|Scholar]]\_\_\_ {{fa>list-ul}}\_[[https://scholar.google.cz/citations?user=gNXi-CYAAAAJ|Scholar]]\_\_\_
 {{https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.png?nolink|ORCID}}\_\_[[http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8110-8926|ORCID]]\_\_\_ {{https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.png?nolink|ORCID}}\_\_[[http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8110-8926|ORCID]]\_\_\_
 {{fa>code-fork}}\_[[https://github.com/mukrop|GitHub]]\\ {{fa>code-fork}}\_[[https://github.com/mukrop|GitHub]]\\
-{{fa>building}}\_Office A404, FI MUNI\\ +{{fa>linkedin}}\_[[https://www.linkedin.com/in/mukrop|LinkedIn]]\_\_\_{{fa>building}}\_Office A402, FI MU\\ 
 </col> </col>
 <col xs="7" sm="8" lg="8"> <col xs="7" sm="8" lg="8">
-====== Mgr. Martin Ukrop ======+====== RNDr. Martin Ukrop ====== 
 <TEXT size="large"> <TEXT size="large">
-**Security researcher** and **Ph.D. candidate** at [[https://crocs.fi.muni.cz/CRoCS laboratory]][[https://muni.cz | Masaryk University]] in Brno, Czech Republic.\\+**Security researcher** and **Ph.D. candidate** at the [[https://crocs.fi.muni.cz/Centre for Research on Cryptography and Security]] at [[https://muni.cz | Masaryk University]] in Brno, Czech Republic. 
-<panel type="primary" title="Aim of my research"> +<panel type="primary" title="Current aim of my research"> 
-<text size="large">"I want Help developers create more usable security APIs to lower software exploitation."</text>+<text size="large">"I want help developers create more usable security APIs to lower software exploitation."</text>
 </panel> </panel>
-Add research info here.+==== My research ==== 
 +My current research is about making security usable for IT professionals (developers, system administrators and such) that lack a specialized training in computer security. I focus on cryptographic interfaces (both programmable and command-line) of developer tools and software libraries. Currently, the emphasis is placed on X.509-capable libraries, such as OpenSSL, GnuTLS and NSS, paying special attention to the process of certificate creation and validation. 
 +Before coming to usable security I was interested in randomness testing and helped develop the [[https://github.com/crocs-muni/eacirc|EACirc project]], the automatic problem solver based on circuit-like representation and genetic programming. 
 +I'm a Ph.D. candidate supervised by Vashek Matyas. 
 +My research efforts are supported by [[http://research.redhat.com/|Red Hat Czech]] and co-supervised by Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos. 
 +Furthermore, we cooperate with psychologists from [[http://irtis.fss.muni.cz/|IRTIS]]. 
 +==== Teaching and supervision ====
 I see deep meaning and responsibility in teaching and have been tutoring seminars and lecturing a few courses for more than 5 years. I see deep meaning and responsibility in teaching and have been tutoring seminars and lecturing a few courses for more than 5 years.
-I participate in some security courses ([[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/PA193|Secure coding principles and practices]][[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/PV181|Laboratory of security and applied cryptography]]). More importantly, I am much engaged in the local community of student teachers and leading the [[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/DUCIT|Teaching Lab]] course.+I participate in some security courses ([[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/PA193|Secure coding principles and practices]] and [[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/PV181|Laboratory of security and applied cryptography]]) as well as courses on functional programming (Haskell) ([[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/IB015|Non-Imperative Programming]] and [[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/IB016|Seminar on Functional Programming]]). I have supervised multiple bachelor theses in the fields of computer security, functional programming and programming education.
-Finally, I am still very fond of functional programming (Haskell in particular) and have been teaching [[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/IB015|Non-Imperative Programming]][[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/IB016|Seminar on Functional Programming]] for quite some time. +More importantly, I am much engaged in the local community of student teachers called **Teaching lab** aiming to improve the courses and skills of teachers at the faculty and elsewhere. We run a course for student starting to teach ([[https://is.muni.cz/predmet/fi/DUCIT|Teaching Lab course]]). We've designed a [[https://github.com/mukrop/teachers-reflective-diary|Teacher's reflective diary]] to help teachers improve their skills by reflection.
 </col> </col>
 +==== Other activities ====
 +I'm an avid member of the the organization for experiential learning called [[https://www.instruktori.cz/|Instruktoři Brno]] aiming to inspire people, broaden their experience and lead them to self-improvement.
 +I co-organize(d) multiple activities bringing enthusiasm for informatics natural sciences to secondary-school students. This includes the online programming puzzle hunt [[https://interlos.fi.muni.cz/|InterLoS]] or the multidosciplinary event [[https://intersob.math.muni.cz/|InterSoB]]. These activities are covered by the [[https://zverinec.fi.muni.cz/|Friends of the nordic animals association]] (a student club at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University).
 ===== My publications ===== ===== My publications =====
 {{section>publications:authors:martin-ukrop&noheader&fullpage}} {{section>publications:authors:martin-ukrop&noheader&fullpage}}
 +/* DevConf 2018 bio
 +Security researcher and Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Research on Cryptography and Security at Masaryk University, Czech Republic. My research efforts are also supported by Red Hat Czech.
 +I aim to make security usable for IT professionals that lack a specialized training in computer security. I focus on cryptographic interfaces (both programmable and command-line) of developer tools and software libraries. 
 +Previously interested in randomness testing and helped develop the EACirc project, the automatic problem solver based on circuit-like representation and genetic programming. 
 +Passionate about teaching and experiential learning, actively organizing educational events in the community "Instruktoři Brno". Ceaselessly fascinated by the world.
 +/* RSA-CT 2018 bio
 +Researcher trying to make security usable for all, previously interested in randomness analysis. Passionate about teaching and experiential learning. Ceaselessly fascinated by the world.
 +/* DevConf 2020 bio
 +Passionate about usable security, user experience, teaching and experiential learning. Actively organizing educational events in the community "Instruktoři Brno". Ceaselessly fascinated by the world.
 +/* Red Hat research day 2020 bio
 +A Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Research on Cryptography and Security at Masaryk University focusing on usable security from the developers' viewpoint. Engaged in the teacher-training initiative at the faculty, passionate about experiential learning. Actively organizing educational events in the community "Instruktoři Brno". Ceaselessly fascinated by the world.