* **Evolutionary design of secrecy amplification protocols for wireless sensor networks**\\ [[:publications:authors:petr-svenda|Petr Svenda]], [[:publications:authors:lukas-sekanina|Lukas Sekanina]] and [[:publications:authors:vashek-matyas|Vashek Matyas]],\\ //Proceedings of the second ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security//, 2009, 225--236.\\ Keywords: [[:publications:keywords:wsn|wsn]], ++ BibTeX |@InProceedings{2009-cwsn-svenda, title = {Evolutionary design of secrecy amplification protocols for wireless sensor networks}, author = {Petr Svenda and Lukas Sekanina and Vashek Matyas}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the second {ACM} Conference on Wireless Network Security}, pages = {225--236}, year = {2009}, keywords = {WSN}, } ++