====== Cosm (Pachube) ====== * Create new account on Cosm (cosm.com) * Add device * Something else * No, I will push data to Cosm * Mark generated device ID (61803) * Create new datastream * select suitable datastream identification (e.g., 1) (id = 1 will be used in examples below) * set proper kWH, C... * Save * You can try to set directly some value to particular datastream (click on orange box) * for testing only * simulates push of value from attached device * Obtain your API keys * Got to my profile * Keys * Add new key * Set key name and proper restrictions (anyone who will have this key will be restricted by that). * E.g., if you need to be able to update current value of datastream, Update right must be checked * E.G. if you like to provide read access, but no modification right, check Read * E.g., KobDv-Ti81JcqpNA7Y_fFfwtbSOSAKxQSkk3dlFlcEpwWT0g is key that allows update to device with ID 61803 and datastream with id 1 * Howto: Push first value to data stream (as described in https://cosm.com/docs/quickstart/curl.html) * Download curl tool (curl.haxx.se) * Create new file cosm.json with following content (id is 34 as created above, current_value is value to be set): { "version":"1.0.0", "datastreams":[ {"id":"1", "current_value":"100"}, ] } * Execute: * this command will upload cosm.json to Cosm server, parse it and update //current_value// to 100 curl --request PUT --data-binary @cosm.json --header "X-ApiKey: KobDv-Ti81JcqpNA7Y_fFfwtbSOSAKxQSkk3dlFlcEpwWT0g" --verbose http://api.cosm.com/v2/feeds/61804 * Howto: Obtain data from Cosm * Execute: * this will obtain json formatted response with current state from selected datastream curl --request GET --header "X-ApiKey: KobDv-Ti81JcqpNA7Y_fFfwtbSOSAKxQSkk3dlFlcEpwWT0g" http://api.cosm.com/v2/feeds/61804 Result: {"title":"test2","status":"frozen","creator":"https://cosm.com/users/eskel77","datastreams": [{"at":"2012-05-31T20:33:40.722753Z","max_value":"100.0",--->"current_value":"100"<---,"id":"1","min_value":"10.0"}], "location":{"domain":"physical"},"created":"2012-05-31T20:10:52.272380Z","feed":"https:/api.cosm.com/v2/feeds61804.json", "private":"false","id":61804,"version":"1.0.0","updated":"2012-05-31T20:33:40.734846Z"} * Obtain last 30 days in csv: https://cosm.com/feeds/feed_ID/datastreams/stream_ID/archive.csv (e.g., https://cosm.com/feeds/61803/datastreams/1/archive.csv) * state only every 15 minutes is stored (raw data are not obtained)