====== Cikhaj 2013 - police scenario experiment ====== Plan is to get as much data as possible about behavior of real nodes when deployed as described by Police scenario with ProtectLayer application enabled. Main goal is to field-test intermediate version of prototype application. **Presentation of experiment details:** {{:public:cikhaj_20130117.pdf|cikhaj_20130117.pdf}} **Packet data (nodes flash, sniffer logs):** {{:public:cikhaj2013_experiment_v2.zip|cikhaj2013_experiment_v2.zip}} **Application source code (PL_PoliceApp, ProtectLayer):** {{:public:MVPrototype_20130117.zip|MVPrototype_20130117.zip}} **Participants:** Martin, Filip, Jirka, Petr ====== Analysis ====== {{:public:Koutsky_Ondrej-term_project_report.pdf|Koutsky_Ondrej-term_project_report.pdf}} ====== Archived notes from preparation ====== ===== TODO: ===== * aplikacni zpravy do BS (Jirka) * zmena wiring z epir na VirtualMovementDetect, mereni sily signalu a omezeni, test nekonfliktu zprav z utocnikova uzlu (Filip) * zmena broadcast na next hop (privacyP) (Jirka) * discoverNeighborKeys v initu (PetrS) * definovat inicializace komponent (do budoucna) * zavolat sifrovani / desifrovani zpravy (PrivacyP) (Jirka) * otestovat delku paketu pred sifrovanim (Jirka) * pridat sifrovani/desifrovani paketu v PrivacyP (Petr) * klic pro BS (PetrS) * pohlidat zakomentovani mazani pameti (Filip) * vynuceni sousedu pri prijmu zpravy (od nesousedu se zpravy zahodi) - PrivacyP (NE) * vytvorit csv se sousedy a next hop (Petr) * nacteni a nacitani z aplikace delajici personalizace (Filip) SavedData_t.txt targetID;SavedData.neigborID;KDCData.keyType;KDCData.keyValue;KDCData.dbgKeyID;IDSData.neighbor_reputation;IDSData.nb_messages; PPCPrivData_t.txt targetID;PPCPrivData.priv_level; RoutePrivData_t.txt targetID;RoutePrivData_t.parentNodeId;RoutePrivData_t.savedDataIdx;RoutePrivData_t.isValid; KDCPrivData_t.txt targetID;KDCData.keyType;KDCData.keyValue;KDCData.dbgKeyID; ===== Design ===== * Nodes with have ProtectionLayer uploaded and enabled * Nodes will be positioned on snow towers (marked with red spray) spread over meadow around base station * Node will send "still alive" message every 5 seconds * First team of participants will pretend to be police (every one will carry MSN node, radio transmission power set to lowest value) * Second team will pretend to be intruders (every one will carry intruder node, radio transmission power set to lowest value) - see virtual movement detection * Movement detection will be simulated by radio proximity of nodes (movement is detected when node will receive sufficiently strong signal from intruder node) * If MSN is detected (MSN node is close), node will send message to base station * If movement is detected (intruder node is close), node will send message to base station * ? Additional nodes will monitor traffic in promiscuous mode to provide as much debugging information as possible (sw from Jirka) * Following parameters will be inspected: * fraction of delivered messages with "still alive" * fraction of delivered messages with movement detection * possibility to track attacker as he moves * local statistics on node stored in EEPROM * what next? {{ :public:police_scenario_v2.png?600 |}} Ideas: * should be nodes close to base station connected by USB cable and provide additional statistics? (not necessary, everything will be stored to EEPROM) ===== Components used ===== * Privacy [**Jirka**] * what will be implemented? * pass message to IDS (both decrypted and encrypted) [**Jirka**] * encrypt/decrypt message + select keys [**Jirka**] * IDS [**Martin**] * what will be implemented? * packet dropping detection / selective forwarding * KeyDistrib & Crypto [**Petr**] * working key discovery. Pre-shared keys between two nodes constructed as valueOf(ID1 + ID2) - no predistribution needed, but unique keys between different nodes. * working encryption/decryption with software AES * working key derivation * Routing [**Petr**] * fixed routing tree * only to base station, not node-to-node [**Jirka**] * id of node as AM ID given at programming [**Jirka**] * map of sensors and routing connections [**Petr**] * 3 circles, 5metres each * max. 20 neighbors, flag with position quadrant, one parent (to BS) * TODO: node handle instead of node ID * Motion detection (virtual ePir) [**Filip**, MUST] * Intruder nodes used for virtual motion detection [**Filip**] * User app (keep alive messages, react on motion detect, MSN detected) [**Petr**] * alive * motion-detected * MSN detected * Base station app (log incoming messages to notebook) [**Filip**, MUST] * 2 hours * Logger (save over USB or to EEPROM) [**Filip**, MUST] * 1 day * code from Martin * EEPROM readout app * (NO) Reset node structures internally (clear node) by triple press of button * no, will be solved by time beacon * Time beacon (as from Cikhaj 2011) [**Martin**] * taken from Cikhaj 2012 * Martin * (NO) Control nodes able to disable / enable different modes of the network (everything disabled, specific component disabled) [**?**] * App reacting on Control nodes ===== Time schedule ===== * 20.12.2012 First tesbed test * what? * 7.1.2013 Second testbed test * what? * base station connected to notebook * 15.1.2013 Third testbed test (hard test) * what is not working here will be disabled for experiment * 16.1.2013 Application upload, battery charge * 17.1.2013 Physical packaging * 18.1.2013 Experiment! ===== What to take ===== * nodes * control nodes * charged batteries, battery chargers * cables * camera!! * red spray * ...