====== OpenLab spring 2015/02 | Key generating/eating party ====== * Date: 27. 2. 2015 * Workshop by: Martin Ukrop, Vladimír Štill * Cake: {{:public:openlab:spring2015:cake.jpg?linkonly|evidence here}} * Cake by: Vlasta Žáková Introduction to SSH keys and SSH authentication. ===== Useful commands ===== See manual pages for usage details. * ssh (create SSH connection) * ssh-keygen (generate SSH keypair, interactive) * ssh-copy-id (copy local identity to server to enable key authentication) * ssh-add (add key to agent) ===== Configuration file ===== Host aisa Hostname aisa.fi.muni.cz ForwardAgent yes Username xukrop VisualHostKey yes Host nymfe* ForwardAgent yes Hostname %h.fi.muni.cz IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa ProxyCommand ssh xstill@aisa.fi.muni.cz nc %h %p # defaults should be at the end # security hardening Host * User xstill PreferredAuthentications publickey ForwardAgent no PasswordAuthentication no ChallengeResponseAuthentication no PubkeyAuthentication yes ===== Miscellaneous ===== FI known hosts (SSH keys for all machines) https://fadmin.fi.muni.cz/noauth/sshkh/ssh-known-hosts.mpl **Beware!** Forwarding your agent to the server may enable the server administrators to steal your agent and authenticate as yourself.